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Taking the latest and most progressive wave shapes and increasing both length and width ever so slightly results in what is your go-to if you prefer a Thruster setup, yet as radical a wave board as the Quad. Akin to the Banzai concept, this is essentially one wave board tuned in two ways. Originating from the same new exuberant shapes as the Custom Quad, with the addition of a faster and sharper tail rocker, the Custom Thruster packs even more speed, stability and waft than the Quad. Easily as radical, the Thruster however is a touch more forgiving. The primary target of these progressive boards was applying the learnings from the new favorite Custom Quads and adding much more range to them. Voilà the Custom Thruster 4 Pro Carbon. Generation 4. Both boards are faster and lighter with added comfort and control. Custom built US boxes for lightness and compatibility, removed deck sticker for lightness and sustainability. Keeping in mind how more and more people love the Custom Thruster for bump & jump riding, the Goya team focused on refining the low-end speed characteristics, to plane earlier, jump higher, while not deviating an inch from those radical turns that stay with you long after your session has ended. Hence the Custom Thruster has a more pronounced curved outline than the One, designed for the more wave-oriented rider.
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