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Goya Airbolt Pro

€945,00 €1.890,00
Available in store

Windsurf foil board with tremendous amount of lift and extreme manovrability and carving ability. This is the best choice for any bump & jump/wave/freestyle oriented windsurfer looking to increase their water time.

Delivery time: 1-2 days


Pro Full Carbon Deck Construction.

Available in 105, 120, 155 liters.

105: Track Boxes (2x US box)
120, 155: Track Boxes (2x US box) & Deep Tuttle Box

Vol. (L.) Length (cm.) Width (cm.) Weight (kg.) Sail range Box type
105 199,5 66 7,4 <7.0 1 Futures 10.75" Tack boxes
120 205 71 8,1 <8.0 1 Futures 10.75" Tack boxes & Deep Tuttle box
155 220,8 83,6 9,2 <9.0 1 Futures 10.75" Tack boxes & Deep Tuttle box

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