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Goya Banzai Surf Pro Carbon

Available on pre order

Designed for maximum maneuverability and control in surf conditions. The Banzai Surf Pro Carbon has improved stability in the mid to high end wind range due to the warp carbon. It is more durable in time, more reactive and creates a lighter feeling.

Delivery time: 7-10 days


Pro Carbon Construction: Bi-Ply window, Warp Carbon panels. The Warp Carbon reinforced Technora X-ply provides foundational profile stability in the shape design ofthe sail plus excellent durability.

A focus on maximum maneuverability and control in surf and surf like conditions. This all new design has a very neutral feel. You are free to draw your own lines on the wave and surf exactly how you want. Effortless drive and lightness allowing you to sail for hours.

Handling Characteristic: Banzai Surf Pro is a bit more high aspect with a shorter boom compared to Banzai 11 Pro and Banzai Max this combined with the lower and more centered positioned lift gives you a balanced neutral feel for maximum control and maneuverability. This also makes the sail feel super light in your hands al- lowing you to sail for longer and be in complete control when wave riding. The power never pulls too much or too little but is always there when you need it.

This is the sail of choice for Kai Lenny, Jason Polakow and Francisco Goya.

Construction details:

  • Upper color body panels – 1.5 mil Ultra low stretch linear Warp Carbon fiber laminate yarns arrayed to control load lines in the sail combined with super strong Technora aramid x-ply.    Warp Carbon gives incredible linear control of the sail profile while also allowing a dynamic, torsional, bias stretch and return. This makes the sails feel very quiet, weightless and very resistant to being overpowered.
  • Foot, tack and center luff panel – 2 mil Warp Carbon film combined with super strong Technora aramid x-ply yarns for increased puncture resistance.  Warp Carbon is extremely strong and stretch resistant, allowing the sail to hold it’s designed shape for a long long time. Using  2 pass lamination for super strength and uniform UV resistance preventing sunlight from passing through so one side is always in the shade.   The 2.0 mil foot Warp Carbon has double the carbon frequency as the 1.5 mil body Warp Carbon. 
  • Welded Seams - Welded Seam technology reduces build weight and increases strength on film to film seams. 
  • Double stitching – Around the main window.
  • Dacron Leech edge reinforcement.
  • Folded rear/cut edge on mast sleeve to prevent fraying.

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